Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Quotable Quotes of OSHO

To be humble is to be on the first leg of the journey to purity. The humble has yet to be on the first leg of the journey to purity. The humble has yet to be pure. He is on the way to it. One cannot be pure without being humble, because there is no greater impurity than ego".

"We have to look at Krishna in two different ways, and then we can look at ourselves the same way. We exist at two levels - one at the level of waves and another at the level of the ocean. As waves we are individual human beings and as the ocean we are the supreme being".

"The power of our unconscious mind is enormous; what we cannot do in our conscious state we can do with the help of the unconscious mind more sensible than the conscious."

"Let someone dance and let him bring all his energy to it, and soon he will find there is some one inside him who is not dancing, who is utterly steady and still. That is his axle, his centre. That which is dancing is his circumference, his body and he himself is the centre."

'PHILOSOPHY is a disease, and not an ordinary one either. It’s not a common cold. It is cancer- Cancer of the soul. Once a person is lost in the jungle of philosophy he becomes more and more entangled in words, concepts, abstractions and there is no end to it. One can go on and on for lives together.'

'TRUTH happens in a state of not knowing, truth happens in innocence. Truth happens where there are no clouds of thoughts moving in your consciousness, when sky is absolutely clear, when there is no abstraction, when you have no idea and God is or God is not. When you don't believe in no-God, when you are simply in a state of not knowing. You don't claim any knowledge, that non-claiming consciousness begins to open up. All knowledge burdens and closes you.'

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